
Third party liability insurance for paramedics


We offer rescuers voluntary third party liability insurance, which allows them to obtain high guarantee sums - up to EUR 250,000. This is the only reliable and effective protection against the financial consequences of medical errors, adverse events and damage to the patient's property.

Advantages of insurance

  1. Protection against the financial consequences of medical errors, adverse events and damage to the patient's property
    2. Guaranteed amounts up to EUR 250,000
    3. Possibility to purchase protection that covers damage to ambulances and medical equipment
    4. Possibility to extend the protection to include damage caused while providing assistance outside the Republic of Poland and during medical transport of a patient from abroad
    5. Premium from PLN 60 per year

Scope of protection

  1. Voluntary Third Party Liability Insurance for Rescuers – guaranteed sum of EUR 250,000
  2. Insurance for damage to ambulances and rented medical equipment – ​​with a limit of EUR 15,000, including EUR 5,000 for damage to the ambulance
  3. Patient Rights Violation Insurance

In order to obtain precise information, we recommend reading the text of the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance available on the websites of insurance companies. To calculate the premium, please contact our office agent.