
Third party liability insurance for pharmacies and pharmacists

Insurance for:

- entities running pharmacies

-people practicing the profession of pharmacist or pharmaceutical technician.

These may be:

- legal entities,

-physical people,

- organizational units that are not legal persons and conduct business activities.


1 Provides compensation to injured parties in the event of damage that is related to:

operation of the pharmacy and ownership of property used to run the pharmacy (real estate and movable property)

practicing the profession of pharmacist or pharmaceutical technician,

2 reduces the risk of running a pharmacy or professional activity,

3 our insurance is flexible - you can adjust it to the needs of you and your pharmacy


Insurance coverage

We will pay injured parties (third parties) compensation if you or your pharmacy causes damage, e.g.:

-someone will become allergic to a care ointment made by your pharmacy,

Your employee will dispense the wrong medicine prescribed by the doctor, which will worsen the patient's health condition,

In a pharmacy, a customer falls on a slippery floor and breaks his arm.

In order to obtain precise information, we recommend reading the text of the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance available on the websites of insurance companies. To calculate the premium, please contact our office agent.